Saturday, July 29, 2006

You Can't Make this Shit Up....

"Sarah, where on earth have you been?!" you ask. "It's not like you to go so long in between entries. Is everything all right?" Hmmmm...funny you should ask.

I'm in the hospital. A-g-a-i-n. What can I say, a girl needs a little institutionalized food every now and again. You'll recall how I loved the frenchtoast at Hotel Highrisk.

This time my hospital stay is clearly not pregnancy related. No, no, having conquered reproductive incompetence, my body is on to new, exciting and as of yet unexplored region on which to wreak havoc. I swear, if I could get up, I'd be twirling round and round in front of the bathroom mirror like a dog chasing its tail looking for the big [REJECT] stamp that I am sure was slapped on my backside on the conveyor belt up in heaven the day they made me.

I had a UTI. I say 'had' because now it so much more. the gift that keeps on giving. See, I am probably the only woman in the world for whom a UTI causes no symptoms. None of that tell-tale burning for me, thank you! I'd like to wait until I have a raging fever, backpain and a heinous headache before even getting a clue that something might be wrong, thanks. What, you say? By then it will be a bladder and kidney infection and I'll require hospitalization?? long as it doesn't burn when I pee....

So here I sit, day 2 and a half of the kidney/bladder fiasco that is my life right now. The backache is gone pretty much. The fever comes and goes in this rollercoaster of shaking and sweating--it almost feels like exercise. But it is a whole new kind of scary with the fever goes up to over 104. The headache is the worst of it right now and several times in the past couple of days I've been fairly certain that my head was going to explode or some sort of frightening creature was going to come chewing it's way out.

Aside from me, me, me, this is awful for Husband who is suddenly single dad and my poor little man, who I only get to see for a little while each day. I can't describe the heartbreak of being separated from them right now. Can't even make a joke about.

So this is my stranger than fiction reason for being out of the loop, internet. Hopefully when I stop sweating and my head stops throbbing and they bust me out of this joint, I'll be able get back up on the blog horse. Until then....


Anonymous said...

Hey sis- I am so sorry - I did not know until right now that you were in the hospital. I hope that you get better very soon. I just spoke with PC and he gave me a bit of a low down. I told him you guys are due for some good stuff.... I will keep my fingers crossed and know that we are hoping you get better soon so you can get back to your lovely little man and big man too.
much love Emi (& Pete)

KMW said...

OMG! I hope you are okay! Good luck! I have no excuse for not blogging for a week, at least you have a great one. Seriously, I am really sorry that happened to you and am impressed that you are able to have a sense of humer about it. Hang in there.