The blog formerly known as Life At Forty-Five Degrees, the on-going saga of a Mama, Husband and their little man. Finding happiness in the chaos of everyday life...most of the time....
Monday, March 16, 2009
My name is Sarah and I'm a Cross-Poster...
In the true spirit of over-sharing, here's a post from my "weight-loss" blog...
Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you--I might need to get my hands on that sucker in a couple of months! If it makes you feel any better, Jillian used to be significantly overweight, so I guess she hasn't always been a skinny ass-kicker.
Let's hope it works for you. Good luck.
Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you--I might need to get my hands on that sucker in a couple of months! If it makes you feel any better, Jillian used to be significantly overweight, so I guess she hasn't always been a skinny ass-kicker.
I want video of Ethan working out next you.... Hope tomorrow is less painful...
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