Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Merry-Go-Round From Hell...

Seriously, people, check this out:

Um. What is that disembodied head doing on my merry-go-round???!!! I would like to get off the scary ride now, please...

Last week, before going to LA, Ethan & I headed to a local amusement park with friends. An awesome time was had by all, but I have to admit, this creepiness made me a bit twitchy. Heady McBodiless was featured all around the merry-go-round and I could not take my eyes off of her. Who is the PhD in early childhood development who decided that decapitated looking heads would make a nice addition to their kiddie ride? Although, I have to say--Ethan did not seem concerned by the floating head's omnipresence; I was the one giving her the hairy eyeball (which was, by the way, inside my head which is attached to the rest of my body, thank you very much).

See? Happy in spite of Heady McBodiless peering down on him.

yes, in fact I did ride on the horse next to Ethan, and mine went up while his was down.

Also happy on the ferris wheel. This was a labor of love for me. I am terrified of the whole up to the top of the world and over again thing. ugh. Clearly, though, my kid is braver than me.

Then we drove the race car...

...and the fire truck...

and then we had some seriously kick-ass soft serve ice cream. But whatever you do, don't read this article about what goes into soft serve to make it different from regular ice cream...holy hell. Nice to know my kid is eating one of the same chemicals that goes into K-Y jelly. Wholesome.


Crafty is the new black said...

You didn't get a picture of the head growing out of the horses butt...the scariest of all!

Mo said...

Is that Great America?

lonek8 said...

thank you for ruining soft serve for me. I'm slowing trying to scare myself our of eating anything tasty ever again in the hope I will finally lose some weight

sarah said...

Kate, that is a positive spin on something so utterly disgusting. I like the way you think!

Sarah said...

I love how big that ice cream cone is!