Saturday, July 21, 2007

File under: If G-d truly exists...

If you read my blog, you are most likely a mother, or a father or at the very least, have at some time bumped into a little kid in the supermarket and thought, "how cute; maybe I should get me one of those someday". If so, you know what every parent's worst fear is.

This week, my cousin found out that her worst fear has been realized. I received word yesterday that her six year old daughter, Lindsay, has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor located on her brain stem.

As a family, we are still pretty much in shock over the diagnosis. I simply opened an email from my cousin, thinking it was going to be new pictures of her beautiful kids, and found instead, that the entire world has changed in a matter of moments for people I love dearly.

So I am going to ask a great favor of you, my blog-o-sphere friends. If you believe in God, or Buddha, or Allah, or in anything that remotely resembles a higher power in this universe, please pray for and send positive energy & thoughts to Lindsay and her family. I have never been a hugely religious person (but now's not the time to ramble on about Hebrew school bullies and post-Bat Mitzvah disillusionment); however, I am trying to find my way to the belief that miracles happen because if anyone ever deserved one, it is this sweet little girl.


Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time commenter.

Not a religious person either, but I'll say a many prayers for Lindsay.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts, our best wishes, our prayers -- they're speeding her way and yours.

Becci said...

You got it... I am just so sad for you guys. NO child should have to suffer like that, no mother should have to live with that heartache. Please keep us posted on how they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader through Amy. Sending prayers and anything else that will help them through this.

Alice said...

Thoughts and prayers are with Lindsay and your family. She's a beautiful little girl.

Amy said...

My thoughts are definitely with your family. I hope they can figure out some options for her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, I have been reading your blog for a very long time (thanks to Emi). As a new mom it has been very conforting to read your post and know that there are other people going through the same things I am going through. I have to say that 99% of the time I could relate, so thank you so much for sharing. This post broke my heart, I can't imagine such pain. My prayer and thoughts are with Lindsay and your family.
Claudia (Emi's friend)

Anonymous said...
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sarah said...

John, thank you so much for your thoughtful response to the post; I removed it from view b/c I don't want anyone taking advantage of your phone number! :-)

Alison said...

We'll be praying for Lindsay!

Jessica said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Lindsay and your family...

Andrea said...

Oh, Sarah. I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for her, and for your cousin.