Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Ifs, Ands, or Butts...

I have a tendency to obsess over my toddler's butt (let's take a moment to cringe that the next time I check my analytics I will surely find that someone was brought to my blog after a google search for "toddler butt"---get out of mah blog, you sick freak!)

Anyhoooo, I love it. It is the perfect little almost non-butt and I can barely contain my need to give him a little butt squeeze when he walks by me and aver with enthusiasm, "I LOVE THIS BUTT!!" Now that we're in an experimental potty-training phase, there is plenty o' naked baby butt wandering around my house and I am relishing it now while I have a chance because I know soon enough, and rightfully so, he will be too old to be cavorting bare-bottomed through the house.

Perhaps, though, I need to reign it in a bit. This afternoon, as I leaned over the dining room table to find a puzzle piece to jam into the jigsaw I've been working on for the past week and a half, I heard the pitter patter of Ethan's bare feet approaching. Next, I feel two little hands patting my bum repeatedly and hear Ethan's voice, a perfect imitation of my own, excitedly proclaiming, "I LOVE THIS BUTT!!"

My kid? Cracks me up.


Becca said...

Hahahahaha!!! That's adorable. Charlie used to routinely pull my pants and underwear back away from my butt if I was sitting on the floor to see if I'd pooped and would need a diaper change.

AJU5's Mom said...

Baby butts are cute too. AJU5's is perfectly chubby and all. Diaper butt is also cute - but very different...

Alice said...

That is really cute. My son does a much less cute "you took off your shoes again?" in a pitch perfect imitation of my exasperated whine when he kicks off his shoes for the 100th time.

Crystal said...

That's adorable and hilarious! I don't think you need to worry until he does that to a waitress or something--THEN you can be humiliated. I'm obsessed with DD's tiny little butt, too.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I love it!!!

Becci said...

hehehe. thanks for the giggle.