Friday, September 05, 2008

The Same, but Different...

Remember those Fridays in Virginia when I used to have a babysitter, so I'd go to therapy and then scoot over to Panera to blog for an hour?

Guess what day it is. And where I was earlier? And where I am now. Friday. Therapy. Panera. Good guesses!

Alas, not in Virginia, though. I am recreating my former Mom's Morning Out here in sunny LA. And, in true LA style, I am drinking herbal tea straight up, unlike the cup of cream and sugar I used to take with a hint of English Breakfast in it when I was in Virginia. A girl's got to fit in, right? And by fit in, I mean to her jeans...

I have to say, it is wonderful to feel the familiarity of a routine and my little mouse through the maze brain is so happy to be recreating it with such precision. I wish I could be that spontaneous, "I'm so crazy, you never know WHAT I'll do next!" girl, but truth is, I like a little predictability in my life and being able to sit here, on couches exactly like the ones I know are being sat on in Virginia, looking at the same colors on the walls, the same hanging lamp fixtures and the exact sames urns of coffee does my heart good.

One odd thing? This Panera vibrates. While I sit here in my seat, I feel the place humming. I noticed it a few weeks ago when I came one evening to blog. At first I thought I was feeling an earthquake (and was quite excited since I missed the first one back in July). But I looked around and saw that everyone else was just nonchalantly noshing on their baguettes and realized that it mustn't actually be.

But here I sit again and lo and behond, vibrating. Not enough to make me giggle or go all Meg Ryan a la When Harry Met Sally or anything like that, but vibrating none the less. I'm wondering if there's some massive power generator behind the wall I'm sitting next to. That can't be good. I guess I'll know in 10 years when I start growing a second head.

Anyway, this week was fraught with angst and turmoil, but fortunately it was all on CNN and not in my own life. My mama always told me if I had nothing nice to say, I should keep my mouth shut (not really, and I rarely do, but it sounds good), so I'm not saying a thing. Suffice it to say that my girl-crush infatuation with Tina Fey is somewhat cooled off now that her clone is...well, is.

Ethan? Fabulous. Funny. Full sentences and uncontainable personality spilling out all over the place. Watching him come into his own here does my soul good. He is meeting new friends (and they bring with them new mamas, which is good for me) and is, dare I say it, sleeping. At night. All night. (Can I get a "woot! woot!"?)

So to recap: Mommy's Morning Out back in full swing, vibrating Panera, breaking up with Tina Fey and, loving the bejezus out of my adorable, delicious, sleeping little boy. All's pretty much right with the world.


Crystal said...

Hooray! Glad to hear you're feeling good these days!

Becca said...

I could never lose my girl crush on Tina Fey. Although the similarities are striking. I had not noticed that before. I also crave routine and familiarity. We vacation to the same place every year and even stop at the same Au Bon Pain in Boston every year. I'm like two steps away from being a handwasher.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are able to pull off your Fridays without me. But I miss my weekly Friday trip to the park with Ethan!

Sarah said...

Have you seen FakeSarahPalin on Twitter? Hi-larious.

Unknown said...

Woot woot!

Maybe the Panera is too close to a highway? Or perhaps it is just over an energy vortex and it will infuse your blog entries with incredible prose.

Anonymous said...

Its wonderful to read you upbeat and that you have some time to yourself. Also absolutely fabulous that Ethan is sleeping!!!

Amy said...

Gotta love the sleeping!!! Someday I will get there, someday.

Glad you are getting time to yourself. It's important and makes you a better mommy.

Avonlea said...

That sounds awesome -- some comforting routines among all the change are good. DH and I go to the same restaraunts to eat that the waiters and waitresses know us by name (and already know what we'll order). We just have our favorites!

How I wish our little guy would sleep through the his own bed.

Heidi said...

Yes! You finally broke up with Tina now I can have her ALL TO MYSELF. Seriously though, I hope they'll invite Tina to visit SNL before the election to impersonate Ms. Palin 'cause it's just too perfect.

Also? My Fridays are pretty great (playgroup with my favorite moms and kids) but yours sounds awesome. I'm jealous.