The blog formerly known as Life At Forty-Five Degrees, the on-going saga of a Mama, Husband and their little man. Finding happiness in the chaos of everyday life...most of the time....
Monday, December 07, 2009
Come on, Lucky Cycle #25!
Back to the drawing board.
And by "drawing board" I mean nightly needles dosed up with Follistim and many a visit with the RE's dildo-cam to see what my little old lady ovaries are kicking up this month.
I am so sorry to hear this. I check on you all the time just waiting for the news! One of these days it's going to happen, I just know it. Hang in there!
So sorry. I was really pulling for you.
I am so sorry to hear this. I check on you all the time just waiting for the news! One of these days it's going to happen, I just know it. Hang in there!
oh pffft! That is just bullshit. however, i will have you know that 25 is a VERY lucky number. So there.
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