The blog formerly known as Life At Forty-Five Degrees, the on-going saga of a Mama, Husband and their little man. Finding happiness in the chaos of everyday life...most of the time....
WOw. He has changed so much in the last year! What a little man! Much love to the little man in the tutu :)
AAWWWW...I just realized the other day that Sammy is the exact age Ethan was when you left DC. Reminded me of Ethan at two!Give him a big birthday hug from the Andersons!karen
I love looking at these pics-- he looks so much like his preshus little baby self.
For some reason I always picture Ethan as baby Ethan in my mind. He's such a big boy now!
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WOw. He has changed so much in the last year! What a little man!
Much love to the little man in the tutu :)
I just realized the other day that Sammy is the exact age Ethan was when you left DC. Reminded me of Ethan at two!
Give him a big birthday hug from the Andersons!
I love looking at these pics-- he looks so much like his preshus little baby self.
For some reason I always picture Ethan as baby Ethan in my mind. He's such a big boy now!
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