Thursday, May 25, 2006

Energy burst...

So, it's 10am and so far today I have managed to shower, do a load of dishes, put away two loads of laundry (all right; my mom actually DID the laundry, but if I hadn't put it away, it would still be sitting on the chair downstairs...), made the bed (pulling up the duvet counts, right?), fed the cats, fed the baby and pumped breakfast #3 for little Mr. E. AND I have company coming at 10:30 am.

I fully intend to crash by noon. I was going to go to a breastfeeding support group this afternoon, but considering I am not actually breastfeeding, I'm at a loss as to what kind of support I would get. Next week we are going to introduce Mr. E to the breast and hope that pure chaos and desperation does not ensue. Then I will need a support group (or my own round-the-clock therapist), but today I think napping is probably more important.


Becci said...

I'm sure it's going to take a while to get all your energy back after all that bedrest and a c-section. I hope when you do intorduce to boob to him that he takes to it!

Amy said...

When he latches on, it will be painful. That's when you will need the drink.