Monday, July 13, 2009

Well, that feels better...

It's nice to know that everyone else attending Blogher is as big of a dork as me.  I'm glad to hear it's more likely to be a big nerdy love-fest than a scene out of Mean Girls.  Thanks for your comments on my last post.  Heaving a giant sigh of relief and moving on.   Well, for the time being. 

I had just a bit of nervous energy to burn today, so after picking Ethan up from school (which, by the way, he now LOVES), and inspire by this, I decided I needed to rearrange the living room furniture.  I thought Ethan might enjoy helping me move the pillows and what have you.  Turns out, he was more interested in scavenging for long lost dust-bunnies and craisins toys than he was in the actual rearrangement of furniture. 

When it's 100 degrees outside, we dad's socks on our hands and make a mountain out of couch cushions on the living room floor, while the babysitter Noggin entertains. 

Since the cushions were off the couch anyway, I decided to start lugging the furniture around the room.  This turns into something that looks similar to the scene in Austin Powers (the first one) where Powers tries to make an eleventy billion point turn in Dr Evil's factory.  Move this couch a quarter of an inch, run over to the other couch, slide it a half an inch.  Back to the the first couch, push it with your hip until it hits the second couch, run back over to the second couch...and you get the picture.  

This is Ethan looking at the veritable treasure trove of lost goodies (and the aforementioned dust-bunnies and assorted uneaten snack items) that is unearthed when a couch is moved.  As a courtesy to my reader(s), I didn't take a picture of what was actually under the couch.  

A couple of things.  1.)  Why is there so much freaking BROWN in my living room?!  Even the green pillows and rug look brown.  There's toffee brown, beige brown.  Oh my head, we are sucky decorators.  Can I pass it of as "this is a rental house, so we're not really invested"?  Or will you remind me, "Um, dumbass, you aren't renting the furniture--that's all you,"?   2.) Hello, stray sock.  Are you one of the socks that was on Ethan's hand before the great rearrange?  Or did I discover you under the couch?  And, more importantly, where are you now?  Because I have no idea.   3.)  Look at the sweet child on the couch o' beige.  Guess what he's wearing.  Brown.  What the what?!!!!  But doesn't he look charming?  Not at all like a kid who's about to do what he did moments after...

which was break my "n".   Off my keyboard.  While "asking" for more clementine slices, he dropped his plastic plate onto my computer--I am going to take a deep breath and say, "it was an accident"--and POOF!! My little "n" tile went flying across the room.  Like it had been dreaming of escaping from the confines of it's space between "b" and "m" for ages.  

Happy little liberated "n".  


Becca said...

I love rearranging furniture. When Wesley was a newborn I would sit and nurse him and picture all the different ways we could arrange the furniture in our living room. And then one day I just went nuts and did it by myself. Liberating!

AJU5's Mom said...

All of our couches are brown too. I think it is because we don't want to commit to anything too bold (and we like neutrals). So, not worries there!

I like to rearrange things too, but our house doesn't allow for much because of a few fixed items/weird walls. It is kind of a bummer that way!

gringa said...

You know we bought a new living room set last year... and guess what, it was brown too!

Anonymous said...

I love you Sarah. You are just so great and I really, really am happy to see the liberated N. Every time I read your blog, I always end up smiling. Have a great time at BlogHer.
Uncle Al

Aunt Becky said...

Freaking pumped to meet you at BlogHer.

Corina - Down to Earth Mama said...

Rearrange the furniture. I am a freaking gypsy when it comes to rearranging the furniture. The last time we moved entire rooms.