Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I know I promised pictures of BlogHer today, but there's been a little change in plans.  Last night we found out that Noni, Lucy and Evie, a few of Ethan's best friends, are moving.  Like today.   Moving in one block away the same week did a year ago, the girls have been a huge part of Ethan's daily life and he absolutely adores them.  I tried to explain to him this morning that they won't be living near us anymore, that they're going to be far away.  But you know, he's three, so it's kind of in one ear and out the other and "when can we go see Noni in her new house?!" 

I figured today, I'd rather use my pictures to go back over the past year with the Murdock girls. You can see from the photos that they came into our lives on the 4th of July and are driving away almost exactly one year later.  What happened in between were trips to the beach, holidays, the election, playing at the park, birthdays, trips to zoos and museums, and a whole lot of smiles. We're so excited for the new adventure they're embarking upon,  but we will miss them every day.  


Sarah said...

holy crap-- Ethan went from baby to boy in just a short year-- awesome pics :)

cicadalady said...

so many wonderful memories. we'll miss you guys!

Becca said...

That is so hard! I am so sorry they are moving.

It was fun to watch Ethan grow up in those pictures!

seejanecook said...

It is so crazy to see all the pics lined up- they look so little!

Jennifer said...

Awww...that chokes me up. It is so hard when friends move away. I'm sad for you guys! Ethan will be fine, I bet - it's probably a lot harder on Mommy. :-( Beautiful pictures...the one with the three kids holding hands and walking along the beach...priceless.