Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oh, hi there...

I'm that blogger. Sorry.

The child walks now. In that herky, jerky Frankenstein kind of way that I can never quite get on video because he's still so unpredictable and when he starts actually walking, you have to hold your breath and hold very, very still or he will plop to his butt. Any sign of mama dashing to get the camera will break the concentration and that's the end of that until the next time the camera is in the drawer (where it has to be to avoid being thrown across the room) and tucked away. But I assure you, it is the most adorable walk and he is most proud of himself at this new accomplishment. He is also a bit perturbed that he's gotten so good at crawling and now it's time to kiss that goodbye and move on to something that is going to take so much more practice. He's been moody lately; the boy is like his mama--not a fan of change.

And he points to his nose. At his one year appointment the pediatrician said that at 15 months, he'd be looking to see if Ethan could identify certain body parts, say, perhaps, his nose. So of course, Husband and I have been showing Ethan his nose, our noses and the noses on just about every other living thing we've come in contact with over the course of the past three months. Finally this week, when I off-handedly asked, "Ethan, where's your nose?", the clouds parted, the Jesus rays rained down and the angels trumpeted with joy as Ethan lifted his finger and stuck his finger....up his nose. Good enough for mama!

Speaking of anatomy lessons, I have managed to make an aerobic workout of "head, shoulders, knees & toes" these days. While I was apparently smoking crack one day a few weeks ago, I purchased one of those Elmo books that has music programmed into it--this one plays Camptown Races, Skip to my Loo, and Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes. Ethan only hits the button that places the body part song because he LOOOOOVES to see Mama jump to attention and proceed to act out the song over and over again until she is sweaty, light-headed and gasping for air. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but I have spent up to 15 minutes at a time amusing him by pointing out my "...eyes and ears and mouth and nose; head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes."

That's basically all the past two weeks have held for us. I have spent much of my time trying to catch evidence of Ethan's walking on film, to no avail; but I figured I should catch you up on what's going on in our world, internet, lest you be all fickle and decide to stop coming to visit me. You know how I love validation.


Anonymous said...

Yes, he is truly adorable and he laughs so proudly when he walks as if to say "look at me", I've conquered! Can't wait for the videos.

Amy said...

Yay Ethan!!! Oh the poor cat. It's all over now that he can chase. Wait til he starts running, it's great!

Andrea said...

I have totally been "that" blogger, too. It is the walking thing. Evan is moody and doesn't want to be by himself too. I am wiped, and I am sure you are too. Especially after all that "head and shoulder"-ing you've been doing!