Thursday, June 11, 2009

The video Blogger didn't want you to see...

Thanks to those who suggested uploading to another site and embedding the video. That made life a lot easier.

So here's Ethan, giving you a medley of his favorite songs in a singing style that I think you might agree is heavily influenced by Bob Dylan (even though he's never heard Bob Dylan before in his life).

Untitled from tekiedude on Vimeo.


Alice said...

That is just too much! Ethan is so super cute.

Becca said...

He does sound like Bob Dylan! And Charlie mixes up the last line of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to say "and the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout" instead of "up the spout again" just like he did. So cute.

lonek8 said...

so funny! my daughter does stuff like that all the time - until I get out the camera. then she won't perform no matter what

KMW said...

that was unbelievably cute.

Grandma Bear said...

Too much. And isn't he singing "Harry, Harry" in Cockney?

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh! This is the cutest video I have ever seen. He is so preshus. I love "keep going Mommy" and the vibrato at the end of the spider song-- too much :)