The blog formerly known as Life At Forty-Five Degrees, the on-going saga of a Mama, Husband and their little man. Finding happiness in the chaos of everyday life...most of the time....
Monday, March 08, 2010
Why 3.5 year olds don't get a lot of baby sitting gigs
HAHAHAHA, omg... that's amazing! Eat up, Mom!
he's probably not going to get a lot of work as a chef anytime soon either. Haha!
Guess who's coming to dinner!
Haha :) Too funny! I find Paige doing all sorts of things to her baby doll that I swear will not go over well when baby sitting ;)
where'd you get that oven? we're in the market for a less plasticy looking one.
OMG. that is hilarious! at first glance i thought it was ethan in there. LOL.
LOVE it love it love it!!
Oh, crap, now you know what I did with your child when I was taking care of him. Oops!
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