Monday, March 08, 2010

Why 3.5 year olds don't get a lot of baby sitting gigs

That's Ethan's American-Girl Itty Bitty Baby doll, Joe. In Ethan's oven.

"We're having Joe for dinner, Mom!"

Oh, the horror.


Linsey said...

HAHAHAHA, omg... that's amazing! Eat up, Mom!

lonek8 said...

he's probably not going to get a lot of work as a chef anytime soon either. Haha!

Becca said...


Guess who's coming to dinner!

Corinne Cunningham said...

Haha :) Too funny! I find Paige doing all sorts of things to her baby doll that I swear will not go over well when baby sitting ;)

cicadalady said...

where'd you get that oven? we're in the market for a less plasticy looking one.

Jennifer said...

OMG. that is hilarious! at first glance i thought it was ethan in there. LOL.

Sarah said...

LOVE it love it love it!!

Unknown said...

Oh, crap, now you know what I did with your child when I was taking care of him. Oops!